Provide Easier Access
  • e-Rx Renewal, e-Prescribing, or electronic prescribing: Health In Motion offers a technological system that allows health care providers and medical practitioners to renew, write, send and sign prescriptions to a participating pharmacy electronically instead of using handwritten notes , calls or faxes in prescriptions.
  • e-Visit: Health In Motion  allow patient to connect with their doctors from home or from anywhere using a videocamera doctor consultations or posting a picture to obtain medical care for problems which do not require a physical examination and treatment beyond a prescription available online or diagnostic tests beyond blood tests.
  • e-Scheduling: Health In Motion simplifies the process of booking appointments or reschedule appointments in anytime, anywhere and on any device by offering a self-service schedule 24/7 with automated confirmations and reminders and allowing the  patients to access all the booked appointments and the available empty slots.
  • e-Navigation: Health In Motion reduces all the barriers patients may face that make it difficult for them to get quality and timely care by helping them accessing the online schedule and care they need.